Winter can be an emotionally testing time as passions of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) creep into our lives. Seeing the bright side of life is challenging to do when it’s dark and cold outside. Still, accredited ‘Man Whisperer’, Kenny MammarellaD’Cruz, says downtime is a good time to tap into our superpowers and use his tried and tested ways to bust the downtime blues. 


 As a trainer and practitioner of all effects men, Kenny supercharged his MenSpeak men’s groups during the epidemic to help men overcome passions of trauma and isolation. MenSpeak men’s groups are now an important movement that helps men with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other internal health conditions. 

Kenny recommends the following managing strategies to help men stay mentally and physically well. Indeed those men who feel depressed, demotivated, withdrawn and low on energy will notice an uplifting metamorphosis if they follow these tips. 


 Step 1 Reclaim your mind by breathing, raining and shivering 

. Numerous men, especially in the downtime months, can wake up feeling panicked and out of control, awaiting commodity terrible to be. The stylish way to break the spell on’ analysis palsy is to breathe out of your head and into your body. Also countdown 3-2-1 and vault out of bed and into the shower. Spoiling in your fear whilst obsessively allowing about how to fix the unfixable has no way got anyone anywhere, so shock it off your skin with a blast of cold water and claim back your day. 


 Step 2 Write your negative studies and passions out of you 

‘ Morning runners’ is an effective way to get the debris of negative studies and passions out of your head and onto three sides of paper in a free- flowing sluice of knowledge. So without allowing, casting, judgment, and trying to put anything to rights, write it out of you and set your mind free. You can safely set your signatures on fire unless you are the type of joe who likes to keep a journal and check back on your patterns and cycles to know yourself better and remember what was. 


 Step 3 Move! 

Whether you are a yang type of joe handling, skipping, thrashing out lengths in the pool, pumping iron and getting your heart pumping; or your nature is further yin walking the canine, drawing your home, stretching into your yogic postures or peacefully perfecting your breaststroke, regular exertion makes all the difference. Wild swimming is a real boost to your vulnerable system, while wild dancing embodies nothing differently. So who cares what other people suppose- be your own man, do your cotillion and set your spirit free. 


 Step 4 Be still … 

 Traditional Contemplation is sitting still, breathing purposely and observing your studies pass by as you quieten your mind into joyful being. Power thinking isn’t where it’s at! There are numerous ways of penetrating ‘the zone’, from clicking with nature, ironing your shirts, drawing the auto, oil, trifling, tinkering, tai chi, chi gong, and any creative expression that takes you out of your doing and connected with your being. So connect with yourself your way and casually connect with a benevolent macrocosm. 


 Step 5 Be held by structure, but not too tightly 

.Some people do well with structure, routine and thickness, knowing what to anticipate without dealing with change or choices. Others need the space and inflexibility to respond to whatever life brings, maintaining their sense of freedom rather than revolting severity. The important thing is that you aren’t possessed by your to- do list or bullied by your inboxes. So balance reality with your personality, manage your energy cycles and do whatever will relieve the most pressure first, taking regular breaks and maybe a cocky nap? 

 Step 6 Speak it out, be heard and get real 

Since lockdown, my platoon of trained men’s group facilitators and I’ve held diurnal online lunch-hour men’s groups (by donation), so men can speak out whatever is on their minds, laying heavy in their hearts, kidnapping their days, or confusing their lives. It’s not healthy to be a lone ranger, so speak it out with a foreigner rather than carrying it around and potentially lashing out on others or lashing in with tone- loathing and bad habits. A problem participated is an occasion to learn from the guests of others and to stand on the shoulders of titans whilst making new musketeers. How better to partake in the trip and grow as your own man also by letting go of who you no longer need to be, as you partake of your own light during the dark days? 


 Kenny’s ways prove that indeed when we’re helpless against the changing seasons, we can draw on our own natural power to make our internal and physical strength. 


Source: themanwhisperer